Price Increase 7/9/2022

Our First Price Increase Since Covid

All Saffron Inc products including Raine & Humble and Garcia Home is increased as of 7th September 2022.

Excludes limited quantities in special products, some fragrances and Henrietta collection.

New prices updated on the website.


As you may know, the pandemic has had a huge impact on the world, and changed the landscape for businesses. We have made the decision to implement price increases for our collections as of 7th September 2022.

Since launching in 2020, our prices were calculated in relation to the cost of freight and handling. With Covid, the cost of freight has increased greatly from when we started, and we feel this has now made it necessary for us to make these changes.

We're here to help!

We believe in being as transparent as possible about what goes on behind the scenes at Saffron Inc.

We're here to answer any questions you may have about the price increases, and any other queries you may have.